ACE Anti-Wrinkle & Lightening Creme ACE抗皱紧肤嫩白霜

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Product Name:  ACE Anti-Wrinkle & Lightening Creme  ACE抗皱紧肤嫩白霜
Price: RM55
Capacity: 50ml
Stock Status: Out of Stock - Restock

Product Description:
每日必做的美丽功课!! 喂肌肤吃综合维他命。。。 抗皱,嫩白,紧致,保湿!!!
Daily beauty homework!!! Feed your skin with variety Vitamins... Anti-aging, Whitening, Anti-Wrinkles, hydrating!!!

這款質地清爽不油膩的粉紅色緊膚霜,看似質地十分豐盈,但塗抹在肌膚上卻像水凝乳般充滿水嫩感,裡面更是添加了多重維他命的成分,包含抗皺效果維他命A、 多重功效的抗老化成分維他命C、抗氧化成分維他命E,此外,再添加了膠原蛋白、水解彈力蛋白、α硫辛酸等成分,能改善肌膚的皺紋等現象,讓妳看起來比實際 年齡更年輕、有活力!

This non-greasy texture of fresh pink Firming Cream, skin filled with water after applied. It consists of multiple vitamins, including anti-wrinkle effects of vitamin A, multiple efficacy of anti-aging ingredients Vitamin C, antioxidant vitamin E, Moreover, it is added collagen, hydrolyzed elastin, α lipoic acid and other ingredients can improve skin wrinkles and other phenomena, putting you look than it actually age, younger and more energetic!

How to use?

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After clean the face, apply a proper amount on face. Suggest to apply after toner or essence.

Massage your face to get better result!!

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