Avocado Nourishing & Firming Dew 酪梨胜肽滋養潤膚露

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Product Name: Avocado Nourishing & Firming Dew 酪梨胜肽滋養潤膚露
Price: RM49
Capacity: 150ml
Stock Status: Available

Product Description:

Feel dry and tight after wash your face???

Avocado Nourishing & Firming Dew helps to minimize wrinkles and effectively hydrate the skin. It is ‘super duper’ skin hydrating toner.           

這款超保濕的高機能化妝水,具有水潤的凝露質地,只要在臉部輕輕拍打,便能立即感受肌膚浸潤完整的營養及保濕成分,讓臉部 有彈性與光澤。添加玻尿酸、絲胺酸及酪梨萃取成分,可以替乾荒缺水的肌膚快速注入水份,同時加強鎖水修護,另外添加珍貴的五元胜(月太);及三元胜( );,可以幫助消弭細紋,維持肌膚緊緻。是缺水及換季時非常推薦使用的高機能保濕化妝水。

This ultra-moisturizing lotion is high-function with Hydra's Gel. When the face is gently tapped, immediately you may feel the skin infiltration of nutrition and moisturizing ingredients, result in glossy and brighter skin. Hyaluronic acid, serine, and Avocado extract components enable the skin quickly absorb and lock H2O. It also can help eliminate fine lines, maintain skin compact. Recommend to use during dry weather (i.e. country with winter season)

Tip: Please do not discard the facial cotton which after use for applying the toner. You may split the facial cotton in half and apply on dry skin area, especially nose and cheek to let the skin absorb more hydrating essence. 

How to use?

Apply proper amount on facial cotton and gently pat on face and neck until it is absorbed. You may apply proper amount on 2-4 facial cotton and put on dry skin area for 10 mins for better moisture effect.