Aqua Circulation Hydrating 水循环泉护保湿凝胶

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Product Name: Aqua Circulation Hydrating 水循环泉护保湿凝胶
Price: RM55
Capacity: 60ml
Stock Status: Available

Product Description:
這款無負擔的保濕凝膠,利用特殊的包裹技術,能將大量超微細的水分鎖進凝膠微粒中,塗抹在肌膚上立即化成水分子,宛如幫浦般的特殊『出水』質感,快速滲透 至肌膚,彷彿都敷上了無形的保濕面膜,帶給肌膚無限充沛的水分補給。特別添加銀耳萃取,內含有豐富的多醣體,能提昇保濕效力,並協同尿囊素、酵母萃取及咖 啡因等保濕、緊緻、舒緩成份,不僅能迅速抓水,亦能維持肌膚內水份的平衡,另外,維他命A、維他命E具有強化角質修護的效果,替肌膚建立極佳的保濕屏障, 使用起來,還有淡淡的茶玫瑰氣味,創造怡人的五感體驗,由內而外透出水嫩動人的光采。

This moisturizing gel using a special package technology with a large number of H2O, effectively and fast penetrate the water to the skin, it seems an invisible moisture mask. Added Tremella extract, which is rich in polysaccharides, can enhance the moisturizing effect. It also consists of allantoin, yeast extract and caffeine which has moisture, compact, ease ingredients. In addition, vitamin A, vitamin E effectively moisturizing skin and improve skin balancing.

How to use?
1. 早晚清潔臉部後,取大約5至10元硬幣大小的保濕凝膠,均勻塗抹於臉部及頸部肌膚,建議之前搭配保濕化妝水使用,效果更佳。 (建议配搭:酪梨(月生)(月太)滋養潤膚露)

2. 肌膚較缺水時,亦可塗抹較厚的一層當作保濕面膜使用,約5至10分鐘之後,再用化妝棉沾取化妝水擦拭乾淨即可。

1. Apply a proper amount after cleaning the face at day and night. Evenly apply on skin and suggest to use after hydrating toner (match with toner: Avocado Nourishing & Firming Dew) 

2. If your skin dehydrated, you may apply thicker gel on face as mask for 5-10 minutes. After that clean by using facial cotton, do not rinse by water.