Rose Flower facial Night Jelly EX 玫瑰超水嫩晚安冻膜

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Product Name: Rose Flower facial Night Jelly EX 玫瑰超水嫩晚安冻膜 
Price: RM55
Capacity: 70g
Stock Status: Out of stock - restock

Product Description:


Brighter skin on next morning. It seems to apply a moisturizing and hydrating mask at the whole night, result in brighter skin on next day while wake up. Say hello to brighter skin!!

Suitable for those with dehydrated skin and dull skin.

How to use?
使用化妝水之後,在夜間保養程序的最後一道,以指腹取適量(約2 顆珍珠大)的晚安凍膜, 以指腹輕輕如描繪螺旋般的方式延展於肌膚,之後讓肌膚充分休息,隔天清晨能即能感受肌膚 的水嫩與柔軟 。

The last step of your skin care process. You may apply the night jelly after toner. Gently apply on skin in circle, let the skin rest and relax. Your skin result in moisturizing and soft in next morning,