Collagen & Peptides Eye Firming Complex 膠原胜(月太)眼部修護抗皺保濕膜

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Product Name: Collagen & Peptides Eye Firming Complex 膠原胜(月太)眼部修護抗皺保濕膜
Price: RM49
Capacity: 15ml
Stock Status: Available

Product Description:
紧致,拯救 --重度疲累,细纹,暗沉的眼周肌肤!
Tighten and help tired eyes, wrinkles, and dull eyes!

Too boost skin energy and resume YOUNG & BRIGHT eyes...

日用薄敷: 眼部保湿抗皱精华

Day use: Hydrating and Anti Wrinkles Essence
Apply a thin layer around eyes area. It helps to tighten and resolve the tired and dull eyes.


Night use: Anti-Wrinkles Mask
Apply a thicker layer, it helps to boost skin energy and maintain the beauty skin around eyes area.


The ingredients of multi-peptide, moisturizing, soften, relief and etc , which is like an invisible eyes mask to tighten, soften and hydrate skin around eyes area. It provides all nutrients and quickly resolve the wrinkles around eyes area.

How to use?


Daily Care:  Apply evenly on eyes area which work as an eyes mask during day and night. After that can apply moisturizer eyes cream.

加强护理: 每週可加強2至3次,厚厚敷一層於眼周部位肌膚,停留約5至10分鐘後,以化妝棉沾取無酒精的化妝水輕輕拭去。

Extra Treatment: Apply thicker on eyes area, wait for 5-10 mins, and then use facial cotton (mix with non-alcohol toner) gently remove it. You may practice 2-3 times in a week.