Job's Tear & Licorice Maximum LV Liquid 薏仁甘草美白清爽防曬隔離液

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Product Name: Job's Tear & Licorice Maximum LV Liquid 薏仁甘草美白清爽防曬隔離液
Price: RM55
Capacity: 30ml
Stock Status: Out of Stock - Restock

Product Description:
1. 清爽度提高 修饰粗毛孔 更明亮 (Fresh, relax, cover skin pores and brighter)
這款質地清爽的防曬隔離液,用後完全不會讓肌膚有負擔感受,即使害怕油膩的肌膚也可以安心使用,含有SPF50/ PA+++的高防曬係數,可以有效防止肌膚曬傷及曬黑,同時添加維他命C衍生物以及甘草及薏仁萃取成分,可以幫助肌膚美白效果。不管是平時使用,還是度假休閒使用,都能夠達到最佳的防禦效果。為肌膚築起防護罩,並維持肌膚清爽粉嫩的觸感。添加微晶矽塵,具有凹凸補正效果,幫助修飾肌膚毛孔粗大的問題。

No burden when apply it especially for oily skin. It has SPF50/PA+++, effectively prevent skin sunburn or suntanned. This liquid consists of Vitamin C which can help in skin whitening. It can be use daily. It maintains skin fresher and able to cover skin pore or rough skin.

2.新一代完整高度防晒 (New generation of sun protector)

This liquid is non greasy. It effectively prevents sun, enable skin whitening, and cover skin pores and rough skin. You do not worry if you forgot to reapply the liquid during day time as its water proof and effectively prevent UVA and UVB. You may apply every 2 hours when go for beach activities or swimming.

How to use?
1. 使用前请先充分摇晃均匀本产品

Shake it well, and then apply evenly on face and neck with proper amount (Suggest to apply before 20mins you out for activities)